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Aragon Corp is a launchpad for startups

At Aragon Corp, we are more than consultants – we are partners, guides, and champions of your entrepreneurial journey. Rooted in the vibrant Canadian startup ecosystem, we understand the dreams, challenges, and triumphs that come with building a business in this diverse and dynamic nation.

What Sets Us Apart

Tailored Approach

We recognize that every startup is unique. Our solutions are never one-size-fits-all. Instead, we craft customized strategies that align with your vision and goals.

Deep Industry Insights

Our team's in-depth knowledge of local markets, industry trends, and regulatory landscapes ensures that your startup is well-prepared for the Canadian business landscape.


Success is our bottom line. We measure our achievements by the growth and accomplishments of the startups we partner with.

Our Recent Works

April 21, 2022 - Launch of the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park – Powered by Daniels

Unveiling a pioneering nexus of innovation and knowledge exchange, the World Urban Pavilion in Toronto's Regent Park celebrated its grand opening, representing an epochal collaboration among visionary founding partners: Urban Economy Forum, UN-Habitat, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and The Daniels Corporation. Conceived as a beacon of accessibility, green construction, urban equity, and sustainable urban progress, the Pavilion's 4,000 square feet stand as a global epicenter for envisioning cities and towns as cornerstones of the Sustainable Development agenda. The result of a formidable partnership, which includes Daniels' significant $3 million commitment over five years, the Pavilion, now known as the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park – Powered by Daniels, ensures a free and accessible haven for both local residents and global advocates of sustainable urbanization. Designed as a vibrant hub for cross-border knowledge exchange, the Pavilion, nestled within Daniels' DuEast mixed-use development, offers an open, gallery-inspired space fostering collaboration and ideas. Its inauguration unveiled the exhibition "Canada Home," spotlighting Canadian innovations in housing, communities, and sustainability, while concurrently launching UN-Habitat's transformative SDG Cities Initiative through a global hub poised to guide over 1,000 cities toward the attainment of the 17 Global Goals by 2030. With personalized consultations, data tools, and a repository of sustainable initiatives, the SDG Cities Global Hub embodies a formidable force propelling equitable, inclusive urban renewal and development.

October 4 & 5, 2022 - Participation in and Support for the 4th Urban Economy Forum on Sustainable Urban Finance

The Urban Economy Forum (UEF) stands as a premier platform dedicated to the exchange of research, ideas, innovations, and knowledge centered around the vital theme of sustainable urbanization. Commencing its journey in 2019 in partnership with UN-Habitat, the inaugural event unfolded in Toronto, Canada, forging a significant milestone through collaborative efforts. Notably, the conference birthed The World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park, a visionary endeavor powered by Daniels and supported by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, amplifying the impact of the UEF-UN-Habitat alliance. Looking ahead, UEF4 emerges on the horizon, poised to convene both virtually and in-person in Toronto, Canada, on October 3-4, 2022, coinciding with the global commemoration of the United Nations' World Habitat Day. This distinguished assembly not only signifies the evolution of urban economics but also reflects a resolute stride toward a more sustainable urban future.

November 2, 2023 – 3rd Annual Collingwood World Summit on Sustainable Housing and Financing

Bringing together global town leaders, the 3rd Collingwood World Summit (CWS3): Habitat in Towns 2022, organized virtually by the Urban Economy Forum (UEF) in collaboration with the Town of Collingwood and UN-Habitat, fostered vital discussions on sustainable housing, financing, and the pursuit of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the context of towns. The summit saw participation from over 90 speakers representing 50 countries and approximately 180 international towns and small cities, sharing insights and best practices that underscored the pivotal role of towns in shaping secure, equitable, resilient, and sustainable communities. Key themes emerged, including the imperative for alternative and affordable housing solutions, innovative financial models for housing and climate action, localized SDG implementation, and the nurturing of inclusive governance and community engagement processes. As the demand for housing continues to challenge global economies, the summit underscored the necessity of collaborative approaches across sectors to address this complex issue, emphasizing that housing inclusivity requires cross-sector partnerships, social innovation, and novel financing mechanisms. Furthermore, the Town of Collingwood's aspiration to be an SDG Town, exemplified through pilot projects and the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park, reflects a commitment to sustainable urban development driven by data, innovation, and the SDGs. The summit's outcomes encompass a resolution outlining recommendations for local sustainable urban development, the inception of a Global Network of Town Leaders, and the establishment of a secretariat to amplify the voice of town leaders, bridging the gap between metropolitan centers and towns on both national and global scales.

March 29, 2023 – Launch of the 5th Urban Economy Forum and 59th World Planning Congress at Canadian Parliament

Marking a significant stride towards urban progress, the Urban Economy Forum (UEF) and the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) jointly launched the much-anticipated 5th Urban Economy Forum and 59th ISOCARP World Planning Congress (UEF5+WPC59) in the esteemed setting of the Canadian Parliament on March 30th, 2023. Under the theme "For Climate Action, Urban Finance," this landmark event illuminated the realm of Climate-Responsive Planning for Equitable Places and Communities. Chaired by Member of Parliament Matthew Green, the launch event, a precursor to the forthcoming UEF5 + WPC59 Congress in Toronto, Canada, scheduled for October 10-13, 2023, brought together luminaries from various domains. Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, Honourable Bob Rae, Ambassador of Canada to the United Nations, and other distinguished voices championed discussions on climate action, urban finance, investment opportunities, and the imperative of realizing UN-SDG11. This collaborative endeavor resonated with global representatives, academia, planners, financial institutions, and private sector entities, sparking partnerships and initiatives that aim to forge prosperous, sustainable, inclusive, and healthful urban environments worldwide. The preceding UEF4 focused on "Sustainable Urban Finance," underlining shared pathways for sustainable urban economic development and innovative resource management.

April 24, 2023 – Support for the 1st Anniversary of the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park

Celebrating its one-year milestone, the World Urban Pavilion, forged by its four founding partners, orchestrated an inspiring gathering of over 200 collaborators, commemorating a year of achievements while illuminating its future trajectory. Amidst the jubilation on April 24, 2023, in Toronto, Canada, the Pavilion's first anniversary event united more than 70 partners in person and over 150 online participants, embodying the essence of collaboration that defines its ethos. A beacon of urban knowledge, innovation, and solutions, the Pavilion showcased global and Canadian partners, underscoring its triumphant strides over the past year. Embracing the Pavilion's spirit of partnership, Mehran Rasaei of International United Muscat, a key sponsor, expressed eagerness to learn and collaborate further, citing inspirational examples like Regent Park. The co-directors, Eduardo Moreno and Dyfed Aubrey, reflected on the Pavilion's evolution through collaboration, envisioning its role in catalyzing cities into transformative forces for the SDGs. The Pavilion's emphasis on knowledge exchange, innovation, and sustainability advancement emerged as its cornerstones, resonating in its partnerships with Mitchell Cohen of the Daniels Corporation, Buro Happold, and more. As Canada's urban transformation journey embarks on a global voyage through the Pavilion's 100+ program, the event affirmed the Pavilion's resounding commitment to shape a sustainable future where everyone thrives.

June 22, 2023 – Parks in Action by University of Toronto. A World Urban Pavilion Exhibit

The exhibition "Parks in Action: Towers, Hubs, and Open Space Transformations" shines a spotlight on the pivotal role of parks, open spaces, and public realms in catalyzing climate action within Toronto's inner suburbs. These diverse urban green areas, encompassing ravine networks, pocket gardens, street rights-of-way, and green roofs, play a vital role in mitigating and adapting to climate change, regardless of their size. Toronto's parks serve essential functions by combating the urban heat island effect, enhancing biodiversity, improving air quality, and managing water, while also acting as inclusive gathering spaces that nurture social interaction, health, and well-being. The exhibition underscores how climate action within public spaces encourages participatory design and social engagement, spanning from small local installations or "hubs" to cohesive "tower communities" along urban watersheds. Central to this effort is the connection between social equity and climate adaptation, ensuring that all communities, irrespective of socio-economic backgrounds, enjoy equitable access to the advantages of green spaces. The showcased work is a collaborative culmination of community members and researchers from the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University. It stems from interdisciplinary research, notably the "Towers in the Park: A Prospective for Equitable Resilience" project, and collaborations with Transform To climate action and TMU's School of Urban and Regional Planning, aiming to harness the potential of these spaces for a sustainable future.


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